Updated : 04/22/2024
Willcox, AZ adopts the following codes:
- The International Building Code, 2003 edition.
- The International Residential Code, 2003 edition, including Appendices A through L.
- The International Existing Building Code, 2003 edition, including Appendices A and B.
Willcox, AZ Muni. Code § 10.01.040 (adoption and amendments).
Helpful resources for Willcox, Arizona include the following.
Residential Building Code
Arizona has yet to adopt a statewide residential code. Local laws will control.See PLRB,
Arizona Building Codes for more information on state level codes.
Willcox adopted the 2003 IRC, locally. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.
You can find a copy of the model code here.
You can find information about amendments to the model code
Auto Search - beta:
2009 IRC(Willcox, AZ 10.01.040 Adoption of International Technical Codes.)
...The documents entitled "International Residential Code, 2003 Edition," including the appendix A through L therein, as published by the International Code Council, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance NS289 as Exhibit C adopted herein by reference as the "IRC" code of the City of Willcox. Three copies are on file in the office of the city clerk which document was made a public record by city Resolution No. 2008-74, adopted on 11-17-2008, is hereby referred to, adopted and made part hereof as if fully set forth in this section....
2003 IRC(Willcox, AZ 10.01.040 - Adoption of International Technical Codes.)
The documents entitled "International Residential Code, 2003 Edition," including the
appendix A through L therein, as published by the International Code Council, a copy
of which is attached to Ordinance NS289 as Exhibit C adopted herein by reference as
Drip Edge
Drip Edge: no
Ice Barrier
Are ice barriers required for Willcox ? No
Citation: Willcox, AZ Muni. Code § 10.01.040.
Municipal Code
Table, Section R301.2(1): These Provisions shall be known as the Various City of Willcox Specifications
Ground Snow Load: 0"
Wind Speed: 90 mph
Seismic Design Category: C
Weathering: Negligible
Frost Line Depth: 0"
Termite: Moderate to Heavy
Decay: Non to Slight
Winter Design Temperature: 15 degrees F
Ice Shield Underlayment Required: No
Flood Hazards: FIRM December 28, 1982; LOMR February 15, 2000
Air Freezing Index: 50 degrees F
Mean Annual Temperature: 60 degrees F
Willcox, AZ adopts the International Residential Code, 2003 edition, including Appendices A through L.Willcox, AZ Muni. Code § 10.01.040 (adoption and amendments).
Existing Buildings
Existing buildings, meaning buildings that were built in accordance to code at the time of
construction, typically merit extra consideration in a current updated code.
Refer to Appendix J of the adopted 2003 IRC.
Commercial Building Code
Willcox adopted the 2003 IBC, locally. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.
You can find a copy of the code
here.You can find information about amendments to the model code
Auto Search - beta:
2003 IBC(Willcox, AZ 10.01.040 - Adoption of International Technical Codes.)
The documents entitled "International Residential Code, 2003 Edition," including the
appendix A through L therein, as published by the International Code Council, a copy
of which is attached to Ordinance NS289 as Exhibit C adopted herein by reference as
See Amlegal(Willcox, AZ Municipal Code)
...Adoption not found...
Willcox, AZ adopts the International Building Code, 2003 edition. Willcox, AZ Muni. Code § 10.01.040 (adoption and amendments).
Existing Buildings
Willcox, AZ adopts the International Existing Building Code, 2003 edition, including Appendices A and B. Willcox, AZ Muni. Code § 10.01.040 (adoption and amendments).
Other Building Codes
Willcox, AZ also adopts the following codes:
- The Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1997 edition.
- The National Electrical Code (NFPA-70), 2005 edition.
- The International Mechanical Code, 2003 edition, including Appendix A.
- The International Plumbing Code, 2003 edition, including Appendices B, C, D, E, F, and G.
- The International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 edition.
- The International Fire Code, 2003 edition.
- The Uniform Sign Code, 1991 edition.
Willcox, AZ Muni. Code § 10.01.040 (adoption and amendments).